So, just a quick update as I promised all of y'all I would update this weekly... Headed out to Golden, CO last Saturday to take a tour of Coors Brewery. Where, it was also "Buffalo Bill Days" and I got to see some sort-of polka band. And just who is Buffalo Bill you ask? To be honest, I'm not sure but he has something to do with the 'wild, wild, west' and he's buried in Golden. Ate lunch and then it was off to the tour. I didn't know this but they also brew Killian's and Zima (so for any 17-yr-old high school girls that come across this page: FYI - they now have pineapple-citrus Zima... gross!) They actually used to have a product called CoorsEdge - to compete with Michelob Ultra - and not that I want to think about BB on a Saturday but that's what immediately came to mind... Oh - and I saw 3 people there with Clemson stuff on!! Not to mention a Denver DEA agent that we met in line for our free beer that was wearing assless chaps...

And then yesterday was the big b-day. Dawn and I actually worked in the morning and then headed to Elitch - the Six Flags downtown. Had a GREAT time and walked away with only minor headaches and a few bruises. There is this sick ride called The Halfpipe (pic below with Invesco Field in the background) where you spin around on this huge "snowboard".
And then we went downtown to eat and play trivia. 3rd place! (and no, I won't tell you how many teams were actually playing...) So, all in all, while I missed going to the beach on my birthday, I had a great time so thanks again for all the messages!
Not sure what this weekend will bring but I will be sure to update the blog with whatever it is! Hope everyone has a great ending to the week/weekend and talk to you soon!

Sounds like you had an awesome birthday!
Is your trivia team name "Hey Karen, These Hashbrowns are Shaped Like Triangles!?" Glad you had a great b-day.
sounds like a great day!! even though there wasn't any beach day involved... love and miss
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