Friday night, I went to a comedy show downtown to see Bill Burr.

I didn't know who he was but apparently he is like the only white guy on the Chapelle show and after I saw him, I did recognize him as one of the guys who makes comments on VH1's I Love the 80s. I thought the MC and the local comedians were funnier than Bill but they were all excellent. Although I didn't get some of the "local" jokes. Apparently, Aurora, CO is our North Charleston and I should just stay away from there all together. All in all, a great Friday night.
Saturday was spent recovering from Friday night and watching Sixteen Candles for the 1586th time. Who can get tired fo Long Duck Dong? Oh - on a sidenote - PLEASE Tivo/watch Psych and look for the episode called, "Murder, Murder, Anyone, Bueller?" or watch it on the internet. It's HILARIOUS if you're an 80s freak like me.
Saturday night we went to Sushi Den. It's the best sushi in Denver - no doubt about it. I will be taking you there when you come to visit!

And last but not least, today - Sunday! First, I went out to Castle Rock, which is about 20 minutes (well, would have been if I hadn't gone the wrong way on the interstate - I absolutely cannot figure out the interstate system here!!) and it has a brewery and outlets and it's just a nice little town. And THEN, when I arrived home and was preparing to eat the new delicious BLT chicken salad from Wendy's, I see our neighbors in their driveway staring at a guy on HIS driveway - 2 houses down on the same side of the street as me. Dawn comes in and asks what's going on and I'm like oh, I think Ray and Deb are just watching the neighbor pet their dog, because I saw something moving behind the guy on his driveway. Well, the sirens start coming, the whole street is filled with police cars, fire trucks, etc... I then realize I don't have to see if there is a good show on TV at that moment as I can just stand in the kitchen and watch a show of Cops right there as I eat my salad - and it was live!
So, apparently what happened is that this guy and his wife had been drinking all day, she decides to off herself by slitting her wrists and runs out the house. The guy gets pissed, follows her out and then I guess grabs her and tried to cover her wrists with the pavement on the driveway or something - I don't know, that part is weird. The neighbors across the street call the police. They come. He gets pretty beligerent, he shoves a policeman. They pull a gun on him, force him on his knees, handcuff him and they put him in the police car. All the while he's cussing and carrying on. And if you were in this situation, which none of us would be of course, but wouldn't you shut the hell up once you're in the police car? Oh no, he rams his head into the side window of the police car breaking the glass!! Not shitting you. So, they pull him out, he's got blood all over his face, he gets thrown to the ground. And he's STILL yelling at the police. They had some kind-of stun gun thing trained on him at that point. Parademics get called in, take him away and that was the neighborhood drama for the day. I mostly just watched from the kitchen until the hot EMTs came around, and then I went out front to be a nosy nieghbor with everyone else but all in all, an interesting Sunday.
I don't have big plans yet for the week so might not post until next Sunday. They have a group of ACC/SEC/Big 12 alumni that get together every once in a while so I am meeting up with all those people on Saturday for happy hour and the Rockies game so definitely looking forward to that!
I hope everyone has a fabulous week and talk to y'all soon!
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