Hi guys! It's nearing the end of the week and I know everyone is super excited about that.
Just wanted to give y'all a shout out about the 1st Annual Mile High Music Festival. It was a BLAST - as I'm sure y'all could have guessed. However, after about 18 hours of live music, endless cups of hot beer, 50,000 of my closest friends sweating all over me, and 2 days later, I am live musiced out for now.
But here is a quick rundown of who we saw in the order we saw them:
Gavin DeGraw - was playing when we first walked in and sounded pretty decent
State Radio - good stuff - recommend you check them out on Pandora.com
JASON MRAZ - the best out of all of them of course!

For those of you completely out of the loop, he sings "Remedy" and "Plane" and "Geek in the Pink", etc... This was the one and only show where we pushed our way up front to get up and close and personal with J. By the end, I could have probably filled a whole cup with the amount of beer that was spilled on my legs and the guy next to us blacked out and needed to be taken away by festival people but all in all - totally worth it!
Steve Winwood - good lord he's old
O.A.R. - these guys are F-O-X-es. Too bad they were all wearing wedding rings... They were really good but just released a new album last week so we didn't know a lot of their songs - but thank god they closed with Poker.
Lupe Fiasco - I had never heard of these guys but they played some song that's apparently on the radio. Will be downloading them to the Zune this weekend.
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - talk about old but damn, he's a classic and you forget how many great songs they have put out over the years.
Sunday:Walked in to One Republic. Didn't get to see them all that much but a friend said they kind-of blew. It's so disappointing when a band doesn't perform well live, you know?
Colbie Caillat - if I had recognized the name and realized that she sings one of the most annoying songs on the radio these days - Bubbly Toes - I wouldn't have walked over there.
Flogging Molly - Awesome, awesome, awesome! Y'all know how I love my celtic rock bands (a la Seven Nations) and this is another one to add to the list. No bagpipes but had a fiddle and some kickass songs. check them out if they come to a city near you.
Flobots - a local Denver band that was definitely a crowd fav. They sing that song, "I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, etc... " They are like alternative rock/rap and kick ass.
John Mayer - when we weren't scouring the crowd looking for Jennifer (not to mention Jessie and Deanna) we were slightly disappointed with ole John. He was just "there". I definitely wouldn't spend $$ to just see him. And he closed with "Panama". Yes, it's a great song - by VAN HALEN. Close with your own stuff Johnnie Boy.
The Black Crowes - there was really no one else playing at this time so we checked them out. I really think they played the same song for all of the 25 minutes we were at their stage. Weird.
And finally, we come to DAVE! And since most of y'all just saw

him in Charleston, you know what a great show he puts on.
To be honest, we didn't see him close out the show. It was a LONG day (especially since we caught on on how to sneak liquor in on Sunday) and there was a shitload of people and a car in a parking lot that was far, far, away so we called it quits early but he was awesome for the songs we did hear.
All in all - good times!!! Another "check" for Denver.
I don't have anything really happening this weekend - heading to the Coors Brewery on Saturday and that's about it. However, taking off a bit early on Tuesday for my birthday and going to Elitch Gardens - it's the "Six Flags" here that is right next to Invesco Field downtown. Super excited about that and will have pics for you after that.
I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!! Get some beach time in for me.