Hey peeps! Sorry it's been a while. It's just been work, work, work for me (someone forward this to C-Sak please...). However, I did manage to make it out to the Great American Beer Festival. And yes, it's listed in the book "1000 Things To Do Before You Die".
After waiting in a 30-minute line that wrapped around the convention center in the freezing cold, we entered beer paradise. The breakdown is below:
Beer Vendors: 1800
Beer that was sampled that literally tasted like urine: 3
Awesome stouts sampled: couldn't keep track
Guys dressed in literal kegs held up by suspenders: 3
Time of seeing first guy get carried out by the cops: 7:18pm (it started at 5:30)
Hilarious guys in pink leisure suits that I talked to while waiting for bathroom: 2
Times we heard "OH-H-H-H-H" whenever someone dropped their "sampling" glass: 276
Philly cheesesteaks that I demolished afterwards: 1
Good times fo' sure! It's happening all over again on September 24th, 2009 - go ahead and mark it on the calendar now.
On another note, one of the ski mountains is opening up tomorrow - they make their own snow although it almost snowed here Saturday night. Crazy! I have NO clothes. I need to go shopping asap. My flip-flops are not going to cut it anymore.
So, this week is Avs game Thursday night and an 80s ski party Friday night - check it out! http://www.80sskiparty.com/. I just need some leg warmers and an 80s headband to wear - any suggestions for me are welcome!
So, here is a picture of my cast at the beer festival. We all know I'm no Tyra Banks in the photography world and this picture was taken well into the night so I just cropped my head out :) but wanted to put up a pic of my awesome manilla vanilla cast. Take care everyone and have a great week.

What, you haven't gotten anyone to sign it yet? And how do you know what urine tastes like? Let's discuss.... :)
sounds like a blast! so did he put the cast up your elbow? or is that just how you are holding your arm. I need an update email asap!
Also, I have a 3 hour layover in Denver on Nov 4th? Anywhere to eat at the airport to catch up or right around there?? Email ASAP!! Miss ya!
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