The moment I've been waiting for since I made the decision to move to Denver finally arrived - the Denver Gorilla Run! Dawn and I were "beauty pagent" gorillas complete with tiaras and sashes. The race was 3.5 miles and over 700 gorillas participated. Gorillas were dressed up as basketball players, Hawaiian girls, businessmen, etc... Good times all around! We fast jogged it for most of the way - I definitely slowed Dawn down but kudos to her, she stayed with me. Not to be a pansy but my wrist was aching near the end so that's what I'm going to blame for us not getting under 30 minutes. Which by the way, I get the cast off Nov. 6th. Can't wait! I've had to cover it with duct tape from all the crap I've spilled on it! I know - gross.
So, next up - Halloween! I'll probably go as my stand-by, the Magic 8-ball, but there's a possibility I'll go as a roll of paper towels - long story and will explain if it happens. Saturday will be spent trying to forget another Clemson loss I'm sure and Sunday I'm hitting the Broncos game.
Hope everyone has a great week and talk to you later!