probably the biggest news is that I now have Mr. Morris back. I was down in Charleston last weekend for Leslie's wedding (it was BEAUTIFUL)...

And Mom was done with taking care of the M man so I drove back to Denver with him in the rental car in 2 12-hour days. Not fun for either of us but we made it safe and sound
Let's see - what else? Chris and I are still going strong and have more fun than ever. I think I might be done with the snowboarding season though. There is still a mountain open for the month of May but it just seems weird to ride in May... If I were in Charleston, I would already have a tan by now.
Lindsay and I are putting together a Derby party for tomorrow. I really could give a rat's ass about horses but it's a good excuse to get together and have cocktails. That's all I have for now but will try to be better about updating this - if anyone is still reading it...ha!
Have a great weekend!
i do still visit on occasion but you are NOT good about updating so you might have lost some readers!! :) come on C-Lo, you write so well.
It was sooo good to talk to you last night and YES, we MUST meet Chris ASAP. did we decide on July 4th?
Thank you soo much for making the trip for the wedding, it was great to see you there!
Still reading Christy! But I know how hard it is to keep the blog me! :)
Hey - check this site out:
Too bad you and Mr. Morris couldn't have embarked on the maiden voyage!
Take care!
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