Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So fab, Moab

Hi guys! Just a quick blog about my past weekend in so fab Moab.
Chris and I decided to drive down to Moab (southeast Utah) for my introduction to camping and "real" mountain biking. So we take off Friday afternoon and finally land at the campstie that I made Chris take me to because it has a shower (and bathrooms which were actually cleaner than Chris's - which is not saying much). However, I forgot that campsites tend to be "family friendly" which means a bunch of whinny ass kids running around and seem to all next to our campsite. Needless to say, we went out on our own Saturday night (but not before I took another shower there).

Saturday we got up and rented some mountain bikes to do a slickrock trail. And for those of you in the know, it was not THE Slickrock Trail but a beginner's slickrock. For those of you not in the know, Moab is world-famous for it's Slickrock Trail.

After my ass had had enough of that, we cruised up to National Arches Park for some beautiful hikes/driving through self-formed arches. It was pretty awesome!
Then we found a campsite on the Colorado River and set up camp, grilled up some chicken, drank some cocktails and just chilled out. It was good times fo' sure!! If you ever get the chance to go, they offer much more than mountain biking - white water rafting, 4-wheeling, tours of the Colorado River, etc... It's just kind-of in the middle of nowhere - but that's half the fun.

Hope everyone has a safe and great Memorial Day weekend. I'll be huffing and puffing through the Bolder Boulder (a famous 10K run they have here).

Friday, May 1, 2009

Is anyone still reading this??

I'm such a slackass - I know! And it's not that I haven't been doing anything, just ready to shut down my laptop at the end of the working day and not look at it again until morning!
probably the biggest news is that I now have Mr. Morris back. I was down in Charleston last weekend for Leslie's wedding (it was BEAUTIFUL)...

And Mom was done with taking care of the M man so I drove back to Denver with him in the rental car in 2 12-hour days. Not fun for either of us but we made it safe and sound

Let's see - what else? Chris and I are still going strong and have more fun than ever. I think I might be done with the snowboarding season though. There is still a mountain open for the month of May but it just seems weird to ride in May... If I were in Charleston, I would already have a tan by now.
Lindsay and I are putting together a Derby party for tomorrow. I really could give a rat's ass about horses but it's a good excuse to get together and have cocktails. That's all I have for now but will try to be better about updating this - if anyone is still reading it...ha!

Have a great weekend!