Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving, the zoo, and snowboarding

Hi everyone! So, I've been a little lax in updating this, I know, but things have been busy - in a good way with work and going out. It's cold as hell here (wait, that doesn't make sense but you know what I mean. It's snowing right now and with the wind chill it's 0 degrees - crazy).

Thanksgiving was spent in Denver. Went to Lindsay and Jeff's house and had a great time (not as good of a time if I had been home but still good times). Word to the wise - when you cook at higher altitudes, it takes much longer to cook a turkey and the sides! But it was still a great meal!
Then, Chris and I hit the zoo on Friday. It's an awesome zoo with lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my.

Tuesday Lindsay and I kicked it over to A-basin - a ski mountain here - and I had my first snowboarding lesson. It was awesome!! I loved it and can't wait until I can get down a run without falling on my ass! Not going to lie, still sore right now! Lindsay did a skiing lesson and rocked it out as well so I anticipate great times on the slopes this winter! This is one of the reasons I moved out here so I'm so glad that I'm looking forward to snowboarding.
For my Charleston people, I'll be in town on the 22nd, leaving the 28th but back again on January 5th for Blackbaud training so I'll make sure I'll see of y'all then that I'll miss during Christmas. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Love y'all!
(and oh, the highlight of last weekend of course was beating USC on Saturday! Go Tigers!!!)

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